One of the reasons I chose to model Farthing was the rather unusual combination of stock sometimes seen in that area! In this case, East meets West as the thoroughly Cornish 0-4-4T No. 34 heads a train of Holden 4-wheelers from the Metropolitan area. A highly implausible combination, especially during this period and in this location! Above, Driver T. F. Oberon eases the branch train into the bay, while Fireman R.S. Peaseblossom is looking desperately for his lunch bag.

The branch train comes to rest in the bay. It is seen from the alternate, non-viewing side of the layout, with the sky edited in. The coaches are an All Third to Dia S17 and a Brake Third to Dia T59, and consist of Shirescenes sides on modified Ratio underframes. They are approximations as the ends are only 5 panels wide in order to fit the width of the chassis, whereas in fact they should be 6 panels wide. I wrote up some building notes here.

A closer view of No. 34. This loco was originally built and owned by the late Dave Perkins, with whom I shared an interest in Edwardian GWR. I hope to make a separate post showing some of his locos later on. No 34 was built from the old Albion (now Roxey Mouldings) kit, and is the only pre-owned loco I have that did not require some form of repair or repaint when I took it over.

No. 34 has run round its train and is shunting a horsebox off the branch train and into the horse dock. I haven't fitted Sprat & Winkle couplings to this loco yet, so am using screwlinks/3-links and the Big Hand from Above to work it. Not easy when you have to reach over the canopy!

Ganger P. Quince watches No. 34 shunting. Not an easy man to impress, he is nevertheless captivated by the unusual branch train today. Meanwhile, a bit of grass conveniently grows at the base of the water tower. Not that it is hiding a gap of course!

A classic platform cameo, as we take leave of No. 34 moving past in the background.