Following concerns over the slipping time schedule, an inspector was recently despatched from Paddington to review progress of the new goods depot at Farthing station.

The inspector in conversation with the responsible engineer and builder’s foreman. Despite the delays it would appear that some progress has been made on the main structure. That said, this is really just a “dry run” - little of what is seen here is actually fixed in place.

I had originally planned for a single large aperture in the rear wall, but a helpful comment by Miss P. made me think again. The three smaller apertures now featured are inspired by the old depots at Reading and Slough, among others. Another suggestion by Miss P. will be implemented later, namely a partial second “floor” for use as a storage area.

A key design feature on the Farthing layouts is to employ lots of view-blocks and “peek-a-boo” views that can help add depth to these micro-layouts. The apertures for the cartage bays are intended to contribute to this, and the pillars are particularly effective in adding a sense of depth, I think. Many thanks to Pinkmouse for that idea. (EDIT: See comments below on the positioning of the front pillars.) And as for that giant fold in the foam board - don't ask!

The pillars are modified items from the old Hornby footbridge kit. The ones at the front can be detached from the roof structure, thereby allowing easier access for the camera and my ten thumbs.

Peek-a-boo! A view through the windows in one of the end walls.

A perusal of prototype photos showed that, contrary to what I imagined, decks were not entirely level with van and wagon floors. The slight difference in height illustrated here seems to have been common – although some decks appear even lower.

The decks are made from 10+5 mm laminated foamboard, topped by ready-scribed balsa planking as used by ship modellers. I’m hoping to weather the balsa to an effect similar to that achieved by johnteal on several of his projects. In order to avoid warping of the foamboard (as discussed in this thread) I braced the bottom of the decks with Evergreen plastic strips to counter the “pull” of the balsa. So far all is straight, although I watch with a certain trepidation!

So far the hoped-for play of light seems to be working out. Not sure about the window height above ground though. Prototype photos indicate that windows in many depots were set quite high, and I think I may have set this too low...

The etched windows from Scalelink are excellent. But modelling a building from the inside out poses certain unexpected problems. The etches are only intended to be viewed from one side, so I’ll have to purchase a second set to add to the other side.

This is the alternate side of the layout, showing the goods shed from the outside. The underlay is from C+L. Slating will be added to the roof. I’ve decided to expand a bit on the principle that the layout should be viewable
from two sides, but more of this later.

The inspector in conversation with the responsible engineer and builder’s foreman. Despite the delays it would appear that some progress has been made on the main structure. That said, this is really just a “dry run” - little of what is seen here is actually fixed in place.

I had originally planned for a single large aperture in the rear wall, but a helpful comment by Miss P. made me think again. The three smaller apertures now featured are inspired by the old depots at Reading and Slough, among others. Another suggestion by Miss P. will be implemented later, namely a partial second “floor” for use as a storage area.

A key design feature on the Farthing layouts is to employ lots of view-blocks and “peek-a-boo” views that can help add depth to these micro-layouts. The apertures for the cartage bays are intended to contribute to this, and the pillars are particularly effective in adding a sense of depth, I think. Many thanks to Pinkmouse for that idea. (EDIT: See comments below on the positioning of the front pillars.) And as for that giant fold in the foam board - don't ask!

The pillars are modified items from the old Hornby footbridge kit. The ones at the front can be detached from the roof structure, thereby allowing easier access for the camera and my ten thumbs.

Peek-a-boo! A view through the windows in one of the end walls.

A perusal of prototype photos showed that, contrary to what I imagined, decks were not entirely level with van and wagon floors. The slight difference in height illustrated here seems to have been common – although some decks appear even lower.

The decks are made from 10+5 mm laminated foamboard, topped by ready-scribed balsa planking as used by ship modellers. I’m hoping to weather the balsa to an effect similar to that achieved by johnteal on several of his projects. In order to avoid warping of the foamboard (as discussed in this thread) I braced the bottom of the decks with Evergreen plastic strips to counter the “pull” of the balsa. So far all is straight, although I watch with a certain trepidation!

So far the hoped-for play of light seems to be working out. Not sure about the window height above ground though. Prototype photos indicate that windows in many depots were set quite high, and I think I may have set this too low...

The etched windows from Scalelink are excellent. But modelling a building from the inside out poses certain unexpected problems. The etches are only intended to be viewed from one side, so I’ll have to purchase a second set to add to the other side.

This is the alternate side of the layout, showing the goods shed from the outside. The underlay is from C+L. Slating will be added to the roof. I’ve decided to expand a bit on the principle that the layout should be viewable
from two sides, but more of this later.